Monday, March 21, 2011


Three old guys were out on a walk
One says, 'it's windy today'.
Second one says. 'no it's not, it's Thursday'.
Third one comments, 'so am I, let's go get some beers'.

Our state of hearing is the butt of many jokes, just like all our other failing senses. You'll find collections of greeting cards at pharmacies, grocery stores, the marts -K, Wal, Food- that speak to our health conditions. Though the truth of the matter is painfully harsh, the humor can bring quite a laugh. One writer reported seeing a sign by the cards that warned readers not to laugh out loud.  Imagine that!

WHAT, a single syllabic four letter word, seems to bring on such loud voices when iterated too many times in conversation. What else is there to do when a hearing challenged individual can't get your drift. What else is there to do but raise the volume. When in the company of strangers your choices are either to keep your thoughts to yourself or let everyone in hearing range in on your business.

Hearing aids don't seem to help the cause, for they can end up in places other than their intended purpose, namely, down the drain, under the bed, in the sofa.  I've heard tell that these devices are uncomfortable and difficult to adjust, and most importantly hard to find when lost.  One positive to be said for glasses, multiple pair won't set you back thousands of dollars.

96 year old mom simply refuses to consider a hearing aid. She'll adjust to not hearing a person's statement by staring at them when they talk then giving an obligatory, yes, yes answer.  She didn't hear a word. I made my case to her for the device once or twice and have given up. She is much too set in her ways. I learned to adjust my volume. My sister and I need to be eternally grateful that she remembers words like Brussel sprouts, a vegie sis and I were struggling to recall.  Sharp mind-shot hearing.  Reverse that for sis and me. Together we make a perfect bunch.

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