Saturday, March 19, 2011

and it's free, all free! or is it.

Welcome, fellow senior citizens aka senzens.  I'll address the work 'free' today. Is what is claimed to be free, really free? We'll in some cases it is, mostly.

If you have a modicum of computer skills check out the web site Using this site you can find items for the taking, but here's the mostly part. You must go and get the item. With that said there is another part to freecycle.  Do you want to rid yourself of some of your clutter?  Then post it on freecycle, if you receive a phone call from a customer, say your goodbyes to your junk.  Remember the adage 'one persons junk is another person's treasure'.  The reverse hold true, as well, one person's treasure is another person's junk - so when holding on for dear life to treasures, your treasures might just be kicked to the curb, when you say your final goodbyes. But that I'll save for another time and entry.

My daughter, Leah and I play what we call 'the curb game'. It goes like this. Put an unwanted item on the curb, watch from a secret perch, and wait for a customer. We return periodically to our station to watch the festivities and gauge the time it took for the item to be snatched up.  She and I can be found cackling like fools when we spot a taker.  Great fun.

I have a long time ago recollection of furniture found on the streets of Charlestown, Ma. Dick now in New York, furnished his Charlestown house with fine pieces of street furniture. That is great fun too.

For clarification purposes, I must, really I must, add more.
 - -When I say mostly free what I mean is that in order to pick up the items a truck or large vehicle is required. Gas, borrowing or renting a truck, paying  people to help must be factored in.
- - Additionally, while it takes a computer to find the site, an old fashioned phone call is required to set up a time and date to retrieve the free goods.
- - As far as the computer thing, some of us aren't tech literate. Get to a library take a simple lesson or find someone, they are all around us, to help get on the site. You'll discover new vistas and love it.
- - The curb game has its faults. There is a serious struggle going on in our brains to get rid of stuff. When we play the game, Leah will select her mother's items, that would be mine, hers remain safe and intact cause you see she just can't part with her old items and the past. The stuff of hers has sentimental value, but this is another topic for another time.

Now, I must take leave. I have found a delightful museum with free admittance until noon, so gotta get going.  Til next time, I remain - a senior citizen -senzen.

1 comment:

  1. The thing about "free things" is that they are really not free ! I get coupons, feel obligated to use them and then buy things that I know I am not going to ever use. that is when I try to pawn things off to my children who don't want them either. I always think "this time I will use ....." but I never do. That goes the same for buying things on sale ...can't help it - it's the first rack I go to in the store -any store. It goes like this ; I really don't love this shirt / skirt/ pants/ jeans but it's a great price and you never know when I might need it - I will tell you - Never - it was the right price so I bought it , crazy, huh ?
