Maggie; a perky, active, tireless, attentive, humorous, entertaining bird dog is beyond compare. When one is young and interested in travel and getting around and going out to eat and at the same time is a dog owner, there is always need to find someone to dog sit. They hope to have a sitter who they can feel fully secure and relaxed and trusting with, someone near by, someone who knows the canine, someone who is related, like a mother, aunt, in law, brother, good friend.
I have been recently dispatched from another state to do just this for my grand dog while my kin went on vacation for four days. She knows the dog will get properly exercised and taken out regularly. In fact so does the dog know this. I've been told Maggie knows how to play me and thus I am out of doors with her while she seeks out the company of all kinds and sizes of birds. Mag must be kept on a leash at all times unless she is in an enclosed area. She will bolt like the wind and run in front of traffic. She knows no bounds.
We have recently been by the ocean where there are rocky coastlines and tons of seagulls and other critters. These are her main interests. By allowing her to lead me we have scaled some tall boulders and slipped and slid our way up tall areas. She just wants to go and I just want to get some exercise so off we go hither, thither and yon to our latest adventure.
At arrival to our residence, I take a respite with a book or fall off on a short nap. This sustains her briefly then she is at my side, clawing at me and turning her head to the side making some small barking noises. This means grandma, I'm ready for more. I make growling sounds and head for the leash which brings on full barks and jumping and twirling.
Though I know that a dog of smaller and less active stature is more my kind, that Maggie can get under your skin with her curious ways and beauty. When with her there are plenty of compliments on her Brittany Spaniel Setter mix spots and soft fur. I yearn to have her characteristics and good looks. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, please bring me back as Maggie and allow me to have someone of my nature as the owner. She is back with her parents and I am back to my indolent ways. Time for them to have another vacation so I can get back to climbing mountains.
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