To say I know about this one is a misconception of grand proportions- this one is a biggie for sure. We’re all heading there, wherever there is. Yes, all of us. There I said it, but many of us from our generation and our parent’s generation are in denial about this well proven fact of life - or death. Charles from __________expounds, ‘each time a relative or acquaintance dies, I swear I will address my own concerns about burial, speak to my children, although the kids have difficulty addressing the topic too.
We need not delay these dicey, hard to face arrangements for the last minute. The decision on how to handle my arrangements for life support, burial, where, when, how, why, - ah, not why, or when for that matter- must come from me alone. My children have already balked at some of my decisions, but after all is said and done and I am gone, THEY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT IN THE HELL THEY WANT -WHAT, AM I TO COMPLAIN? I think not! Maybe not such a good idea to mention hell and death in the same breath. I’m putting it all out there for public consumption. So feast on this.
So folks, what are your plans? They are certainly subject to change, at least put them down on paper before there is no subject to change.