The other day I saw a rather large seated man sprouting a soft blue short sleeve button up shirt. It looked new and crisp. As he moved his fork to his mouth lifting his arm in the process, a store tag appeared from under his arm. This faux pas can and does easily happen with our busy schedules driving us into a frenzied mindset.
I have been known to wear the long clear tape strip with the size of the pant I recently purchased.
The manufacturers are certainly to blame for our gaffes due to all the attachments; plastic trapped in the side of the clothes item, pins holding cardboard tags together, threads tied onto other hanging dodads. You can count 5-7 pieces of extraneous labels informing us of the company/designer brand name on a single article of clothing and before you wear this thing you must get out your scissors, chew off the strings with your teeth (not recommended), pull it with all your might or in the case of this rather large man leave it on and let someone else worry about it.
These copious specially designed labels soon find their way to your garbage and eventually to the public land sites.
New clothing is always a pick me up, having something new puts us in a pleasurable state of mind. In the younger days I would keep this item intact and relish my new purchase delaying removing tags and making it used. I can still feel those old feelings coming on but with my added years behind and fewer years ahead I have adopted a different attitude. Just this morning I opted for deflowering the new fully tagged capris rather than put on the old. This move alone provided a pleasurable pick me up.